Thursday, February 26, 2009
7:00PM to 10:00PM
Galería 356
Curator: Vanessa Hernández Gracia
Gallery director: Michele Fiedler
Artists: Puntito Siniestro (Araceli Pino), Omar Obdulio Peña Forty y Puntos Suspensivos (Abdiel Segarra, Mylivette Morales, Frances Gallardo, Rafael Miranda, Rosamarie Perea y Vanessa Hernández Gracia)
Frances Gallardo
Vanessa Hernández Gracia
Its performance ‘CATALOGARE” consisted of the public’s cataloguing
of private documents (traveling notebooks, photographs, souvenirs,
objects) compiled during the last 12 years, in old-fashioned way.
Rafael Miranda
It made an intervention in the gallery’s floor through text written
with wax that the attendants were able to figure out.
Rosamarie Perea
It created with the attendants a virtual images’ dialogue in motion.
Abdiel Segarra Ríos y Mylivette Morales
On the Performance, Segarra points out: “This project comes out of
the necessity to produce performances to inform about our
relationship. It consists of sustaining a written conversation traced
with a pencil on one of the gallery’s wall. The dialogue will go on
from the wall’s border across the ceiling until time allows; during
the setting’s opening, this is one of several projects that we are
developing as partners that will end up in a series of books,
pamphlets, photographs, and drawings.”
Puntito Siniestro (Araceli Pino)
It produced live music through sound’s recording and modifications
of small instruments as well as voices coming out of the gallery’s
Omar Obdulio Peña Forty
It recorded live the sounds emitted during the preparation of a
lemonade and then mixed up with environmental sound.