ART ISN'T FAIR . Feria de acciones y performance
"You are part of something happening all over the world right now."
Part of the project 21 cities at once.
September 14, 2007
Beca Lexus Opening
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico
Santurce, PR
Acción: During the exposition’s opening the group distributes invitation
notes to the attendants. The invitations diffuse the rumor of a
Performance Fair Celebration entitled ART ISN’T FAIR. The performance
is part of PROJECT 21 CITIES AT ONCE, an international event in which
a series of performances are executed simultaneously in different
world’s cities.
Participants: Vanessa Hernández Gracia, Melissa Sarthou, Natalia Martínez, Marilis Aveillez, Rafael Miranda, Abdiel Segarra y Karlo A. Ibarra.
Photos: Puntos Suspensivos
Flyer design and photography: Vanessa Hernández Gracia